Joogafestival 2021 speacial
Yoga nidra and mala meditation
Yoga Nidra, also called yogic sleep, is the practice of deep conscious relaxation, stillness and listening. It is a guided meditative practice in a receptive relaxed state between sleeping and waking.
The physical body rests comfortably and the mind has the opportunity to turn inward and withdraw from the senses.
Yoga Nidra is the process of awakening to your true nature.
We will start this 75min practice with gentle movement to settle into the body, followed by a yoga nidra and guided mala meditation (though you don't need a mala to join in!). Yoga nidra is practiced lying down on the floor, so be ready to get comfortable and cozy under your blanket.
This class is suitable for all levels, no previous experience necessary.
Class is held in English.
Sign up now to get access to the on-demand class and practice as many times as you like during the Joogafestival 2021!