Amethyst - Fluorite

Intuition, trust, spirituality
Amethyst is known as a protective stone. It helps to clear the mind of negative thoughts, stress and anxiety. Its high frequency purifies the aura and helps you to create a protective field of light around you to remain clear and centered. Meditate with amethyst to dispel darkness and initiate wisdom and greater understanding.

Blue aventurine
Calming, independence, growth
Blue aventurine promotes growth, knowledge and honesty to oneself. It supports you to explore with compassion and gives courage to achieve your goals. Associated with the throat and third eye chakras it is a great companion for meditation. It will support you in letting go of bad habits and negativity through listening to your inner voice.

Green aventurine
Opportunity, prosperity, luck, growth
Known as the “stone of opportunity”, green aventurine is perfect for manifesting. Green aventurine activated the heart chakra and is a strong comforter and heart healer. It supports in finding inner harmony and balance.

Australian bloodstone
Healing, grounding, courage, vitality, energy
Bloodstone is a stone of movement. It helps to restore and rebuild the mind and body. Stimulating the root chakra, it helps energy to flow in body, mind and spirit. It supports you in returning back to your natural state of vitality and joy. As it encourages dreaming and intuition, it is great for increasing creativity and taking your plans from idea to reality.

Yellow calcite
Openness, wisdom, purity
Known as a major “ energy transformer” calcite supports in cleansing toxic emotions negative energy from the environment. It helps to calm the mind and stimulates insight helping to connect the emotional body with the intellect.

Harmony, patience, inner strength
Known as the “stone of patience”, dumortierite is perfect for bringing calmness into difficult situations. It promotes patience and harmony. As dumortierite is associated with the throat chakra and the third eye, it is an excellent stone to support confidence in your own thoughts and ideas and verbalizing them.

Peace, bliss, calmness
Known as the “genius stone”, fluorite aids in working through complex issues and expanding the mind to a greater mental and spiritual awareness. Fluorite is a stone that helps bring order to chaos. It draws in prana, life force, and supports in aligning your mind with the true desires of your heart. Use fluorite in meditation when you want to align with your divine purpose.
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**Please note that all gemstone properties listed are collected from various sources. This information is offered as a service and not meant to treat medical conditions. NovaNorth does not guarantee the validity of any of these statements. Please note that crystals and other forms of New Age holistic healing are to be used alongside, not in place of, Western medicine. Should you have serious symptoms we recommend you visit a doctor for treatment.